If you’re buying a home, take advantage of the due diligence period. Learn more about what it is and how it works in this blog.
Curious about the various costs involved in buying a home? Find out in our comprehensive guide.
Excited about buying your new home? Before you start thinking about all of the new things you're going to buy for it, let’s take a moment to understand what's already included in your purchase.
If you’re in the market for a new home, it’s crucial to understand the key features that make a home eco-friendly.
Whether you’re a buyer or seller, a home warranty is one powerful ally in your real estate journey. Discover how its value goes beyond giving you peace of mind and confidence. Read on!
The Salt Lake City housing market’s statistics have consistently indicated an increase in the fourth quarter, as well as throughout the entire year. Homes are selling for prices that are higher than they were prior to the outbreak, but they are still moving quickly.
Independence day is right around the corner but are you still not sure of what to do? Creating a fun-filled itinerary on this day is not going to be a hassle if you live in the Salt Lake Region. With 5K runs, firework shows, street music, parades and lots of food to go around, there is something for everyone to enjoy on Independence day. So if you are planning on switching things around a bit from last year’s barbecue, head out to one of the events on this list as you won’t regret it!
Buying a home is a major life event and it can be as overwhelming as it is exciting. There’s a lot to know—especially for first-time buyers. Thankfully, you won’t be alone in the process. Your real estate agent will be a valuable resource as you navigate the market and negotiate the sales price. That said, the more information you have about the process, the better prepared you’ll be.
Coming up with the funds for a down payment on a home isn’t always easy for first-time homebuyers. The good news is there are plenty of Utah Down Payment Assistance Programs to help cover the costs.
Summer’s on, and it’s getting warmer in the Salt Lake Valley. If you’re looking for a home with a pool, here are some fantastic options—though, fair warning, many of them are pretty luxurious.